Wednesday, April 25, 2012

#4 - Because you'll feel proud of yourself

Photo By enthusiast_rocks

There are days that I just don't feel like getting up early.  Or it's late in the day and I've not had time to workout yet.  I don't want to.  Usually one of two things happens, I either decide to do it anyway or my husband starts his workout and I can't resist joining him. 

I can't say enough about having a workout partner that helps me stay motivated.  Even when we workout separately, I like having sombody I can text when I need help or motivation.  It's also nice to have somebody share my celebrations with.  "Today I finally did Drea Rolls!!"  "I burned a record 650 calories!!" 

When I'm done though, it's all calm and happiness.  I'm proud that I was able to complete what I've committed to doing.  Sure, I still fall down, but it's the getting up that really matters.  Jumping back into the workout and getting dirty again.  Nothing that is worth it is easy, but no matter what you use for motivation and what kind of workout you did, you got off the couch and you did it!  If you simply get outside for a walk, or do a nice yoga stretch workout in your living room, you're doing something.  You're moving when you could have sat still.  Eventually, when you look in the mirror, you'll start to see changes, but until then, celebrate the fact that you started.  Be proud.  Be joyful. 


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