Thursday, April 19, 2012

Does Exercise Help Increase Confidence?


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Photo By: Earl McGehee

I'm using the Spark People post:  100 Reasons You Should Work Out Today as inspiration for my fitness blog.  The first reason they list to help you motivate yourself to workout today is that exercise makes you feel confident.

Several good answers were posted on Share Care.  Here's one to illustrate our topic today:

"Exercise and fitness can contribute greatly to feelings of increased confidence. Exercise has the ability to change your body composition for the better, and improving the way you look and feel will improve the way you see yourself. The way you perceive yourself has a direct impact on the way the world sees you. By improving your appearance and health you improve your self-image. You see yourself in a better light, and so does the world.

Exercise can also make you stronger, both physically and mentally. The knowledge that you are a stronger person both inside and out can lead to increased confidence. Simple daily tasks such as walking up a flight of stairs or carrying groceries are made easier with exercise. Knowing that you are doing something positive for your body and improving the way you look and feel is a tremendous builder of confidence."

This is quoted from:

If you have any questions, thoughts, or would like help motivating yourself, please contact me.

My beachbody coaching website is: my help is free.  Are you ready to take the beachbody challenge and make a positive change in your life today?

Happy Working Out!


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