Thursday, April 26, 2012

Reason #5 Because you have goals you want to reach

Photo By opopododo Quinn

How have you done with your resolutions from the New Year?  Do you end up having some of the same resolutions every year?   I think most of us do, especially where exercise, diet, weight loss, and different physical activities are concerned.  We resolve to fit into clothes that we've "grown" out of.  We resolve to workout 3-5 times a week.  We resolve to spend more time outside and less time watching TV.  We all have goals.  Some of them are immediately attainable while some are long term goals. 

This year I decided to skip the resolutions that I never follow through with anyway.  I decided that I needed to make changes, but I didn't start doing anything about it right away.  I didn't like what I saw in the mirror.  My clothes were all getting tighter.  I didn't feel like walking out to the mailbox, much less any further.  Reasons to make a change began to outweigh my excuses. 

The tagline for Beachbody is "Decide. Commit. Succeed."  I'd decided, and finally I was ready to commit. 

Everybody needs to come to that point on their own.  Nothing will force us to get up and move around.  We must push ourselves outside of our comfort zone.  Let's face it, our comfort zone hasn't been very good to us.  It lets us get complacent. It lets us decide that the easy road is the road we want to be on.  That road is flat and boring.  The easy road never challenges us, and we never grow.  If you're happy with your life, with the image you see in the mirror, and with your health, then maybe you don't need to make a change.  However, if you're like me, you've started feeling aches and pains that are just the beginning of signs of trouble.  It hurts to get up off the couch.  It's exhausting to go get the mail.  My food tasted bland and boring.  My comfort zone was getting incredibly uncomfortable. 

When you've decided, then commit.  Choose a program or a goal that's right for you.  Whether you choose to go the extreme route like Insanity, P90X, or P90X2 or if you'd like something that is a little gentler to get started, perhaps Slim in 6 or Body Gospel, you won't regret getting started changing your own life.  There's a great comparison chart that will help you compare and choose the program that's right for you. 

My transformation is still happening.  We're all a work in progress. Our goals won't achieve themselves.  Nothing extraordinary happens without work.  You have things that you'd like to accomplish in this lifetime.  It's time to get to it!


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